Designing a Tiny Home That Supports Optimal Health

Tiny home living is becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons. Some people want to live more sustainably. Others want to get “off the grid” and practice minimalism.

However, you might not realize that one of the biggest benefits of tiny home living is how it can support your health. By making a few changes to your home design and adopting some habits that work with your space, your tiny home can support optimal health.

Your environment has more to do with your health than you might think. If you’re trying to improve your physical and mental well-being, start by making changes at home. Even if you don’t have a lot of space, you can get the most out of it.

With that in mind, let’s take a look at some design ideas and practices you can put into place in your tiny home to support your health and well-being.

Cleaning and Decluttering

One of the quickest and easiest ways to feel better in your tiny home is to clean it. You might not have a lot of space, which can lead to excess clutter. Decluttering is a great way to create more space, make your home seem bigger, and give you room to create a workout or relaxation space. Having a designated area for things like meditation, yoga, or exercising can motivate you to stay active.

Not sure how to start decluttering? Use these tips to make it easier:

  • Get rid of things you don’t need
  • Switch from hard copies of things to digital
  • Avoid buying new items unless they’re necessary
  • Borrow or rent things, rather than buying

Keeping your home clean won’t just improve your own health, but it could also help to safeguard your pets from pests like fleas, teas, and rodents. Pests tend to linger in cluttered areas, especially when there’s a food source around. If you have a dog or cat, these pests could “latch on” and potentially cause them to become ill. Keeping things clean, inside and outside, will reduce the risk of bugs and rodents getting into your house and wreaking havoc on your furry friends.

Keep your spaces easy to clean, and you’ll be more likely to do it more often. Soon, you’ll get into a habit of vacuuming or sweeping every day and dusting once a week to keep particles out of the air.

Improving Air Quality

Speaking of dusting and air particles, keeping your air clean in a tiny home is hugely important for your health. According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), the average person needs 15 cubic feet of fresh air per minute to maintain their health.

In a tiny home, air circulation is already often limited.

Not only is there limited space for airflow, but if the rooms are stuffy, it could be even worse. You might not be getting enough air to maintain your health. Even if you are, it’s important to make sure that the air is clean. Keeping things dusted and vacuumed will help, but there are other things you should be doing to filter the air in your home to optimize it for your health.

Things like air purifiers are great for getting rid of allergens and particles. They can be especially helpful for anyone in your home dealing with allergies or respiratory issues. However, if you don’t want to make a purchase or have a purifier sitting around, consider investing in certain houseplants. There are many benefits that come with having indoor plants, including:

  • Reduced stress
  • Improved mood
  • Less fatigue
  • Boosted healing
  • Improved focus

Many plants can also work as natural air filters. Spider plants, snake plants, and English ivy are just a few of the best, but consider doing your research if you’re interested in becoming a “plant parent.”

Not sure about the air quality in your home? An indoor air quality test will tell you everything you need to know about how clean the air in your environment is. It’ll check for everything from allergens to asbestos, so you can decide the right steps to take to ensure everyone breathes easily.

Embracing the Light

Another way to make your tiny home seem bigger and improve your well-being is to utilize natural light as much as possible.

One of the benefits of tiny home living is a smaller utility bill. You’re bound to use less electricity when you’re in a small space. However, you can cut back on that usage even more and enjoy some added health benefits by embracing natural light. If you’re in the process of building a tiny home, include as many windows as possible. If you’re living in an existing one, open up the curtains and shades, and rearrange furniture and decor to give yourself more light exposure throughout the day.

Natural light can improve your circadian rhythms, giving you a more restful sleep at night. It also boosts the body’s production of vitamin D and can improve your mood and evoke feelings of happiness. Let the light shine in, and you’re likely to feel better throughout the day.

Spending Time in Nature

It’s not uncommon for tiny homes to be constructed in rural areas. It’s all part of minimalistic or “off the grid” living. These areas offer the perfect opportunity to spend time outside, which can do wonders for your health.

Nature is an “ultimate healer,” and spending time outside can improve just about every aspect of your health. Being outdoors can give you more energy, boost your immune system, and reduce your blood pressure, for starters. It can also reduce the production of stress hormones in the body, so you’ll feel more relaxed and less anxious. Consider designing an outdoor space around your home that gives you the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. Maybe that’s a small front porch or a sitting area around a fire pit.

With the right design elements in place, a tiny home can be better for your health than a traditional larger house. Whether you’re in the process of designing your dream tiny house or you want to make changes to your current one, use some of these ideas to support your health, and live a cleaner, happier life.

Photo by Jed Owen on Unsplash

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