10 Tips Texas Can Take Away from Tiny Housers

After suffering from an unprecedented amount of snow, plummeting temperatures, and a complete power shutdown, you can bet that many people in Texas will be looking for ways to avoid what happened last week during the hard freeze. The Texas freeze made international headlines. The independent nature of the Lone … Read more

5 Ways to Add Houseplants to a Tiny Space

With the recent influx of houseplant Instagrammers such as Darryl Cheng or YouTubers such as Summer Rayne Oakes, green, living things are the newest home accessory. Tiny or small house dwellers can still have houseplants. Houseplants have always been popular, but with many people sticking close to home, they have … Read more

How To Choose A Tiny House Builder (part 2)

Last week the topic of how to choose a tiny house builder was introduced. It was established that choosing one can be an awesome experience for both the client and the contractor or it can be a sticky situation, at best. Whatever the case, choosing a contractor is important on … Read more

Helpful Tips For Downsizing: PART 3

PART 3: Take Action In PART 1 you learned to START EARLY before you actually need to downsize. If possible, don’t wait until you’re forced to make decisions about keeping or getting rid of your things. You also learned some helpful tips to keep in mind while you REDISCOVER your … Read more

Helpful Tips For Downsizing: PART 2

A shelf in the garage, a junk drawer, a desk covered in papers, a stack of magazines, a box of old photos… Throughout life we tend to collect belongings without thinking about why we are keeping them. We buy things we once needed or wanted and we receive gifts from … Read more

Helpful Tips For Downsizing: PART 1

collect memories

PART 1: Start Early You may be thinking “I already live in a tiny house,” or “I’m not moving anywhere,” or “I don’t need to downsize.” Even if you’re not preparing to downsize, the ideas in this 3-part series can help anyone that may need a little inspiration to examine … Read more

Humble Homes, Simple Shacks Book Winners

Kent, this was tough- ALOT of good contributions, and I tried to keep in mind that while I’ve heard and seen some of the applications before, others might have not. Some tips are “tried n’ true”, but often overlooked by others….I really had to read through the entire thread of … Read more

Humble Homes, Simple Shacks Book Giveaway

I’m excited to offer a book giveaway of Derek “Deek” Diedricksen new updated Humble Homes, Simple Shacks Book. It is a great book and I’ve enjoyed checking it out recently and am excited to be offering it to you here.

The details are below on how you can win your free copy. I will be giving three copies to Tiny House Blog readers and you might just be one. Derek the author of this fantastic book and I will be the judges.

I will email the winners to get your address and mail your copy to you after the selection is made. I will also post an update so everyone knows who won along with their tip. I’ll turn it over to Deek to tell you what is new with this book and how to enter for your chance to win.

Hey Kent,

Here are a few copies of the new edition of “Humble Homes, Simple Shacks“, as promised, to give away to your readers. The book is up on Amazon.com for only $11.25 right now. I suggest you determine the winners through bouts of ultimate fighting, which we can then film for youtube. No, not really, but I have an idea I’ll recommend in a minute….

The new edition is being put out through The Lyons Press (home to work from David and Jeanie Stiles, Shay Solomon, and so on), and has quite a few new aspects to it as compared to the old hand assembled versions out there. PS- if any of you own the green cover version of the old book (only about 30 were made), some wacko bought one off some online seller for almost $100 not that long ago- yeah, stupid, I know….

Anyway, the new, expanded version of the book has….

  • 14 New full page cabin designs/small living sketches
  • A new 16 page color insert photo section showing some of the things I’ve designed and built, in addition to almost 40 cabins, shacks, and tiny houses that others have completed. A decent chunk of these are photos I’ve personally taken too- so there are a few things no one has seen, blog-wise, before.
  • A new chapter called “Tricks Of The Trade” where I interviewed the likes of Lloyd Kahn, Jay Shafer, Mimi Zeiger, Michael Tougias, Cathy Johnson, Alex Pino, Gregory Paul Johnson, Dee Williams, Colin Beavan, Duo Dickinson, Tammy Strobel, and Alex Johnson, for their own tips and ideas on designing with space efficiency, minimalization, and storage in mind.
  • Many other new sketches to accompany the text sections
  • An intro/foreword written by Author/Architects David and Jeanie Stiles (one of my favorites/influences)

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