Storing Treasured Documents and Items Without Adding Clutter to a Tiny Home

Tiny homes have many benefits, but having a lot of storage space typically isn’t one of them. While many people living in tiny homes tend to lead minimalist lifestyles, some things can’t/shouldn’t be thrown away.

That includes treasured documents and items. Tiny home living doesn’t mean you need to lose your sentimentality, after all!

While being mindful of how clutter can take over a small home, there are ways you can effectively store your treasured belongings that will keep them safe. If you’ve been struggling with smart storage solutions, we’ve got you covered.

Decide What’s Important

The average tiny home in the U.S. is under 300 square feet. While some can be bigger, the bottom line is that there isn’t a lot of room for “stuff”. Many tiny homes can feel a lot bigger than they actually are with a bit of creative design, but it’s also necessary to clear things away. Nothing makes a small space feel even more congested than a lot of clutter.

The first thing you should do when figuring out how to store your belongings is decide what you actually should keep.

Storage priority should always be given to sensitive and important documents. That might not be the most exciting thing in the world, but keeping certain documents safe, secure, and properly stored can offer you peace of mind. If a disaster should ever occur, knowing those important documents will stay safe, dry, and free of damage will save you a lot of stress. Some of the most crucial documents you should store safely include:

  • Personal records (birth certificates, social security cards, marriage certificates, etc.)
  • Home and property documents
  • Pet information
  • Medical records
  • Insurance information

Once your legal documents are stored away, think about what’s important to you from a sentimental standpoint. Things like family photo albums contain memories that you’ll want to hold onto forever. Keeping those albums safely stored will help them to last for generations.

Consider investing in quality containers, fireproof boxes, or plastic bins that won’t get damaged from water to store your documents. By choosing the right sizes and styles, most containers for documents can be “hidden away” somewhere, so they won’t create extra clutter.

Utilize Space-Saving Hacks

When you live in a tiny home, you have to utilize every inch of space. Everything should have a purpose so you can get the most out of your floorplan. One of the best ways to do that is to get creative with your storage options.

Go beyond big boxes and closet space.

Instead, consider going vertical. Adding shelving units to empty walls is a fantastic way to add more storage space without cluttering up the floor. Plus, you can decide what’s important to display on your shelves, and everything will be easily accessible.

You can also create hanging racks or pegboards on the inside or outside of your home for seasonal items, including sports equipment, landscaping gear, or even crafting supplies.

Another way to utilize your space is to get rid of cabinet doors, especially in your kitchen areas. They can actually take up more square footage than most people realize and make your kitchen (or bathroom) feel cramped. Consider opting for open cabinets or shelves for frequently-used items. Not only will it save you space, but it’s a great way to creatively display glasses and plates, making them a functional part of your decor.

Create Decorative Storage Solutions

Speaking of functional decor, there’s no reason why your storage solutions can’t fit in with the overall aesthetic of your tiny home.

Almost any box, including everything from shoeboxes to plastic bins, can be made more decorative with scrapbook paper and a bit of tape. They’re great for storing smaller items, and leaving them on display can add a touch of your personality to any room. Plastic bins can also be transformed with everyday objects like:

  • Washi tape
  • Fabric
  • Duct tape
  • Stamps
  • Pictures

Get creative with your storage solutions and they’ll fit in with your home’s theme, rather than standing out as eyesores.

You can even eliminate small or temporary storage issues by preserving things and displaying them in different ways. Plants and flowers, for example, are great accents to have in the home. Whether you want them around all the time, or you’ve collected some arrangements from a recent wedding, funeral, or party, displaying them doesn’t have to take up much space. Consider preserving or drying out your flowers to make them a permanent part of your decor without wasting a vase or table space. You’ll be able to keep them for years!

Tiny homes don’t have to feel cramped and cluttered. By prioritizing treasured documents and items and getting creative with your storage solutions, you can create more open space that makes your home feel bigger while hanging onto the things that matter most.

Image Source: Unsplash

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