Spring Activities for Tiny Home Dwellers to Explore

One of the best things about tiny home living is that you’re typically already in the middle of nature. So many people choose to reside in a tiny home because it’s away from the beaten path or off the grid. But, even if you live in a community, you can still spend as much time outside as possible.

Clean Up – Inside and Out

Spring cleaning is still a thing, even for tiny home dwellers. The good news? You’ve probably got less to clean. But, you can use this time as a way to make your space feel more refreshed – inside and out. Many people who live in tiny homes are environmentally conscious and try to practice sustainability, so let that carry over into your cleaning efforts. Keep some of these tips in mind to make your spring cleaning more eco-friendly:

  • Use repurposed dust rags
  • Make stovetop potpourri
  • Use vinegar to clean just about anything
  • Shine up metal with lemon juice

You can also make your own cleaning solutions. Doing so will help you avoid harsh chemicals and ingredients you’ll never be able to pronounce on some of the most popular cleaning products. Making homemade cleaning products can be a fun activity on its own. Make a day of it by gathering the ingredients you need, blasting your favorite tunes, opening up the windows, and knowing you’re doing something good for yourself and the planet!

There are plenty of “recipes” for natural cleaners online. Just make sure you have common ingredients like vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, water, and dish soap on hand to create your combinations.

Cleaning up and getting organized will help you feel accomplished and more relaxed. You can also use it as an excuse to maximize your space for other activities, decor, or storage.

Relax and Rejuvenate

Speaking of feeling accomplished and relaxed, you should absolutely take advantage of the nicer weather this season and enjoy some time to yourself. We’ve all been through an interesting year thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people have had to isolate or spend time away from friends and family. If you’re feeling burnt out by the stress of it all, use the spring season to give yourself a boost.

If you love being outside (and who doesn’t need to get out more, at this point?), consider some basic landscaping around your home, or plant a vegetable garden.

Studies have shown that gardening helps to reduce stress, helps you focus on the present, and helps you develop a growth mindset. You don’t have to have a green thumb to be a successful gardener. Start small with a few veggie varieties, and focus on enjoying the process, rather than the outcome.

You can also take advantage of the nicer weather by getting some exercise outside. If you live in a rural area, take a long walk, go hiking, or explore your surroundings. If you’re in a tiny home community, connect with others and go for walks with new friends, or to a local park for some fresh air and exercise. If you have a pet, it’s the perfect opportunity to make sure they get some exercise and socialization, as well.

Spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation, and there’s no reason you can’t feel a sense of renewal, too. After being cooped up for too long, taking in the benefits of the season by being outside as often as possible can greatly improve your mental state and give you a greater sense of gratitude.

Take Advantage of Spring’s Natural Beauty

If you’re looking for a hobby to get into this spring that doesn’t take up a lot of space, you might consider art or photography. Even if you’re not sure whether you have that talent, it’s the perfect time to explore it.

Carrying around a sketchpad is a fantastic way to draw your surroundings whenever you want. You can sketch out the newly planted flowers around your home, or take a hike in the woods nearby to draw some wildlife.

If you’re really not comfortable with sketching or painting, try your hand at photography. Almost everyone with an iPhone and a filter app thinks they’re a photographer these days. But, if you make an investment in a quality camera and learn the basics, you may surprise yourself. There are different types of photography to consider, including:

  • Nature
  • Landscape
  • Astrophotography
  • Macro
  • Flower

Any of those niches would be perfect for taking advantage of the colors and sights of spring. If you really get into capturing the natural beauty surrounding you, you could even turn your photography efforts into a side hustle and make some money from your shots.

Whatever you decide to do this spring, make the most of tiny home living. Take care of your space from the inside out, enjoy your surroundings, and don’t be afraid to find some freedom and relaxation, especially after living through the stress of last year.

Photography by Wood Iron Tiny Homes

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