Joseph’s Tiny House

Update: If Joseph can find a place near by to store it and work on it, he will be able to keep the house.

I introduced Joseph Kenyon quite a while back as he was the first person to offer tiny house plans for free called The Small House Project.

Joseph has been constructing his first house over the last couple of months and I had been following his progress. I was putting off doing a post on his home until he had it finished as his design is really unusual.

Unfortunately, Joseph has had some medical issues come up and he is being forced to sell his home unfinished to help pay his medical bills. He is offering the unfinished home for $3,000. The house is located in Willow Grove, PA and Joseph can be contacted 215-669-6280 or email Joseph at

To view Joseph’s construction of his distinct design go to his website here. You can also help him by downloading his free plans and leaving him a donation.

P.S. If you have a place that Joseph could park his home right now it would be greatly appreciated as he has been asked to remove it from its current location.



by Kent Griswold (Tiny House Blog)

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4 thoughts on “Joseph’s Tiny House”

  1. To All,

    I have followed Josephs site from it’s inception.

    I’d love to help, I’m in Florida and can offer my backyard for him to finish his project. Moving the structure here would present it’s own problems. I also have no information about local codes.
    I’m not in a financial position help, sure wish I was.

  2. HEY EVERYONE! Its me Joseph.
    I have good news on several fronts.
    I had found a farm in Bensalem PA that was willing to rent me a space to store my tiny house and to also allow me to work on it to finish it for a bargain price. I also had sucessful brain surgery in Oct 09 .
    So Im almost completely back to normal and look forward to getting back to work on the tiny house once the weather breaks and its warm enough.
    I saw a question above,
    One was How much does it weigh? … Answer is under 2300 lbs. (counting the weight of the trailer itself.) It only looks heavy, its lighter than it looks because its mostly air inside and is opened up a lot.
    And the trailer is rated to carry up to 7000 lbs.
    Also I had seen a question regarding the closeness of the wood stove to the wall.
    My response is, its not going to be close to any exposed wood at all. the entire surrounding area near the wood stove will be covered in either sheet metal or masonary items such as cement, rock, stone, tile, and granite and marble.
    (its a mosaic of things) but all items and areas surrounding it will be fire resistant or fire proof and will also serve to soak up some of that heat so that it radiates it out after the fire dies down in the wood stove. sort of like a radiator heater.
    Thank you all for your support.
    Sincerely Joseph Kenyon
    Oh and the free plans are still available to download, and as always are free of charge to anyone . Help me fight homelessness. download the free plans and print them out and give them to someone who is homeless or is facing homelessness. is where the plans are at. PEACE.

    • Hi Joseph,

      I am new to the tiny house blog and just read your story. I went to the site to get the plans but your site is down. I am a website designer and would be willing to get your site back up. Also please let me know where I can get the plans. Thank You and I am praying for your health.


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