Fall Backyard Activities for Families

‘Tis the season of fall. If you and your kids have been waiting for the breezy winds and falling leaves, this is the time for you. Fall is the best time for you and your kids to get out of the home and enjoy the season in its full bloom. One great idea to have fun outdoors is to come up with backyard activities that you and your family can enjoy easily!

Jump in Piles of Leaves

If you have trees in your backyard, then in fall, the leaves must fall! You and the family can now jump in piles of leaves. Channel your inner child, and it’s time to have some fun. Rake all the leaves in the corner of your backyard.

Once there is a huge pile of leaves, be patient and let the kids jump in first. We know it’s difficult, but the joy on their face will be worth it. You can rake the leaves into a pile after every few jumps and have a blast.

Autumn Photo Shoot

Fall is the perfect season to make lots of memories. The best way to make memories and remember them is by taking photos. You can plan a funky photo shoot with your kids or use fall-themed props to take lots of pictures. There are many creative ideas you can use to take pictures. For example, you can get a fall-themed backdrop to add more drama to your backyard and dress your children in cute costumes to take exciting and memorable photographs.

You can even follow the pumpkin theme and hollow out different pumpkins so the kids can wear them on their heads like a Jack-o-Lantern. Ask your children to come up with fun ideas, and you can put those ideas to the test in the photo shoot for some added fun!

Pumpkin Carving

Pumpkin carving is an age-old activity; kids love it! Halloween is the biggest attraction in fall, and to prepare for it, you may start carving pumpkins. Children love this activity as it gives them the chance to be creative and carve out funny faces in their pumpkins.

This activity can keep your kids occupied, and you can have a wonderful time sitting in your backyard and cracking jokes.

Build a Campfire

The nights can be a little chilly in fall, and the perfect weather for you to have a campfire. Children thoroughly enjoy campfires; you can get a fire pit and use crystals like the ones linked below to make the fire even fancier. Once the fire is set up, you can set up cushions or chairs around the fire in a circle so the whole family can sit comfortably.

Moreover, you can set up different snacks that all of your family can enjoy. Some popular snacks for a campfire include s’mores, nachos and popcorn. Keep drinks on hand so no one has to run inside each time they are thirsty.

Scary Story Night

Who doesn’t love a bone-chilling story at night in fall? You can make a complete night out of it. Set up a comfortable space to sit in your backyard. Gather all your cushions and blankets so you can sit comfortably and begin with the scary story night.

For added effect, you can use props such as a flashlight. Whoever is telling the story can put the flashlight up their face and make faces and expressions to add drama to the story. However, if you have young ones, it is better to lay off terrifying stories that may scare them a little too much. Moreover, motivating your children to come up with scary stories independently is a good idea. To have a complete experience, you can even arrange snacks so your everyone can have a good time.

Star Gazing

Most of us are fascinated with stars and the skies in fall are often clear. Clear skies allow you to spot all constellations and pinpoint different stars.

It can also be a great learning experience for you and your family You may get to learn about different stars. Then you can research to give kids more information about each constellation or star you spot. Lay down mats so you can lie under the starry sky and have a whimsical time.

Arts & Crafts

Let’s get crafty! If you are fond of arts and crafts, you will have a great time crafting with your family. You can do many things; for instance, you can ask your children to come up with some DIY projects they would like to work on outdoors. For instance, they can make something out of leaves, such as leaf paintings and even decorative DIYs. Each child can have a different DIY project; all you need to do is to provide them with all the art and craft materials. You can also offer them occasional help whenever they get stuck.

Build a Birdhouse

Building a birdhouse is a great activity in your backyard. If your kids are older, they can handle hammer and nails easily. If not, you can put them to much simpler and easier tasks such as painting the birdhouse.

Once the birdhouse is ready, you can put it on any tree or against the backyard wall and put a little food in it to attract birds. Your family will enjoy it when they see lots of birds in the birdhouse. You will find many design ideas, and you can choose from them.

Movie Night

A good movie is time spent in the best way. You can arrange a movie night for your family in the backyard. To set the movie night, you will need comfortable seating, a projector and a backdrop to project the movie on.

Many shops rent out projectors on rent. You can get the projector and a backdrop to arrange the movie. Once that is done, you can set up a comfortable seating arrangement in front of the backdrop so everyone can sit down and enjoy the movie. Add lots of pillows and blankets to make the space more comfortable. Moreover, you must have movie snacks! Prepare baskets of popcorn and get a soda to have the best time.

Most family members find it challenging to decide on a single movie. To avoid going back and forth, you can take a poll and watch the movie with the most votes.

Backyard Picnic

If you are tired of spending all your time indoors but still can’t go out somewhere far, then you must opt for a backyard picnic. There are lots of things you can do to arrange a backyard picnic. Choose a day with good weather to enjoy the fall breeze and clear skies. Prepare a picnic basket with all the goodies. You can ask your family what they want to eat and make the food together. Cold sandwiches, cheese and crackers, and crisps are great examples of eatables that can be a part of your picnic basket.

For entertainment, you can play car games like UNO or even party games like ‘pass the parcel.’

These activities are a great way for families to spend quality time together and make the most of the fall. With lots of time, you can try most of these activities and have lots of fun! Make the most of this season and spend some quality time with your loved ones!

This article was written by Sod Solutions Content Strategist, Valerie Smith.

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