Innovative CNC-Cut Tiny Houses

Atomic Homes burst onto the tiny home scene during the pandemic with CNC-cut tiny houses. Owners Daniel and Chloe brought cutting-edge technology from their long history doing production design work for the entertainment industry. In 2020, when live event work vanished, they searched for new opportunities to keep their skilled team working using the same tools and facilities they’ve been using. So they pivoted into a completely different market.

Now Atomic Homes bring a lot of innovative techniques to building park model-certified tiny homes. Over 80% of materials get cut out through their CNC machine. This includes subfloors, wall panels, insulation boards, and studs. Then things get connected together like puzzle pieces. Building a tiny home with CNC parts allows it to just fit together perfectly. As a result, their CNC-cut tiny houses achieve really tight tolerances that can’t be found in other ways of building homes.

“We’re doing as much work in the computers as we possibly can before it hits the CNC machine coming out in parts and pieces. That’s not to take anything away from the amazing craftspeople that we have on our shop floor. It’s really that balance between efficiency and creativity, which has been a huge part of Atomic all the years that we’ve been doing what we’re doing,” Atomic Homes CEO Daniel McPhillps.

Watch their innovative build process & tours of 2 CNC-cut tiny houses!

Atomic Homes use 38-millimeter and 24-millimeter plywood for the interior and exterior walls and the roofing. The tightly fit-together plywood further helps them create a tighter tolerance than you can get with a standard stick build. Additionally, the CNC routing and use of high-grade plywood significantly reduces construction waste, as well as assembly time.

Timing savings comes from the ease of snapping the CNCed pieces together, so there’s no doing chalk lines or dealing with crooked lumber. Also, all of the studding has holes pre-drilled in it for wires and plumbing to go through. So their CNC-cut tiny houses can be built in 5-6 weeks. One week of CNC’s time and then about four weeks of assembly from start to finish.

Enter to win a 2-night stay in an Atomic tiny home at Tiny Estates, plus $500 for travel expenses!

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