Home Is Where You Park It

Our feature article this month is called Places and Spaces. One of the most appealing attributes of the tiny house lifestyle is that of mobile freedom. There is no mandate to “settle down” or “go home.” Home is where you park it and settling down is more of a prison sentence than a sage quip. The article features photos taken by tiny house dwellers who have traded in the executive washroom for the truck stop bath, who have given up on unserviceable mortgages and suspect interest rates, who have said goodbye to the corporate ladder and hello to the stepping stones of life. They are bookmarks in lives that are filled with places and spaces, of truth and inspiration, and of freedom and imprisonment. They are peaceful, magical, colorful, and above all else, real. They are your view.

Along these same lines, Gabriella Morrison writes an article called Living the Good Life: How Tiny House Living Allowed Us to Create Our Dream Lives.

Malissa Tack shares how to live in a tiny house with pets and what is involved with that lifestyle.

Jenna and Guillaume, who have traveled across the country and are presently are up in Alaska, tell you the true costs of towing your home.

These stories and so much more are in Issue 31 of the Tiny House Magazine.

Click here to get your copy!

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