Small Houses Go Big-Time

There have been several great articles popping up in print magazines and newspapers lately. I discovered this one from the Portland Oregonian and thought you would enjoy reading it too.

This one written by Eric Mortenson of the Oregonian starts like this:

Tell the truth now. You have a formal dining room but eat at the breakfast nook. The living room with the vaulted ceiling sits empty while everyone piles into the family room. That third bathroom doesn’t get visited more than once a week.

There’s a lot of space that just doesn’t get used, despite the labor and material required to build it and the money you’re spending to heat and cool it. Looking at it, of course, is free.

Is that how you should be living?

This is a great article and you can continue reading the full article here.


Photo Credit Beth Nakamura, The Oregonian

1 thought on “Small Houses Go Big-Time”

  1. I am totally enamored of wee houses! I live in a 579sf house built in 1949. Discovering there is a whole movement towards small houses has me fascinated. If this one were mine (I rent), there’s a lot I would do. I am in love with small kitchens — but not small bathrooms! I’m a firm believer that people (me included!) have too much stuff. Decluttering and purging is liberating!


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