Reprint Guidelines

Thank you for reading the Tiny House Blog.  Please follow the guidelines below when linking to or reprinting any of our original content.


Reprint only a portion of our content.
To keep it search engine friendly for both of our sites, only use 20% of our original content. You are also free to summarize our content, if you provide a link back to our blog to give us credit.

Give us credit.
Be sure to provide a link back to the original post. Copy and paste one of these linked attribution blurbs to make it easy:

Request permission to syndicate a blog post in full.
All syndicated content must be approved by the Tiny House Blog. Once approved the content will be repurposed for your use. Please note that we require a NoFollow link attribute (rel=”nofollow”) on any unchanged blog copy syndicated to outside websites. This is for SEO purposes. Contact us now. There is a charge between $30 and $50 dollars for this service.

Share with your social networks.
Please share and talk to us. We are on the following social networks:


  • Do not scrape our content and make it look like you wrote it. That is illegal and we will report you!
  • Do not share our content if you are a spammer.
  • Do not use our content for SEO link farming.
  • Do not use our content for making a profit.


Because some images are purchased and licensed they may or may not be OK to syndicate. Other images we have a one time use permission and we can’t give you permission to use them on your website or blog. It would be easiest to source your own image or you can contact us to check.

Contact Us

Contact us any time to let us in on you plans. Also please  Contact us and tell us how you have used our articles, newsletters or other content.

Thank you!