Tiny House in a Landscape

Adam Witten recently was in Iceland on his honeymoon. He saw a lot of tiny houses in a landscape on the island and sent me this one to share with you. The picture was taken from Route 1 (the Ring Road) in south Iceland about 2 weeks ago, not far from Skaftafell National Park.

While many of the buildings in iceland are dull colors this little house on a farm just popped out from the cliff face when I saw it. Most of south Iceland is populated with little farms who’s buildings are all at the foot of the huge cliffs.

Thank you Adam for thinking of this feature and sharing your photo with us.

Photo Credit Adam Witten

15 thoughts on “Tiny House in a Landscape”

  1. A lot of the houses in rural Cape Verde, West Africa (archipelago off Senegal) look like this….A former Portuguese colony, the rural houses are stone with painted doors/windows and red tiled clay roofs…The smallest are one room, as shown….When hiking, you see the color of doors/windows….Many low-income farming families only re-paint every few years, so the colors can dull quickly. [I served as a US Peace Corps volunteer in a remote river valley from 2001-2003]

  2. This is beautiful but probably was never a house but rather a structure built to enclose a generator on a stream- these are really common in Iceland and are usually set juat in these locations- right at the foot of ckiffs and mountains where there is guaranteed year-round water running off. This one looks particularly familiar- I believe there is a small group of farmhouses to the right of it at the foot of a waterfall. Nice picture!

  3. This is beautiful but probably was never a house but rather a structure built to enclose a generator on a stream- these are really common in Iceland and are usually set juat in these locations- right at the foot of cliffs and mountains where there is guaranteed year-round water running off. This one looks particularly familiar- I believe there is a small group of farmhouses to the right of it at the foot of a waterfall. Nice picture!

  4. When you look at the picture without the house those mountains look like a lot of other things! Like tree trunks, snakes, a sleeping troll’s face, a dragon/rabbit and who knows what all! Terrific photo!

  5. The minute I saw that landscape, even before I scrolled down further, I knew exactly the house that would be featured. I drove by there three months ago and took my own photo. This one is much, much better.

  6. It feels like I’ve passed these mountains and missed the cottage!!! Is it located after Kirkjubæjarklaustur towards Skaftafell?


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