ESCAPE Park Models

For people who love park model homes, but want a little more space and amenities, the ESCAPE Park Model & Modular Homes have been making waves with articles in the Wall Street Journal and favorable comments from HGTV, the Huffington Post and Bob Vila. A small size, beautiful wood details … Read more

Joyful Paws Cottage

Barbara Techel is a writer who recently finished her first adult nonfiction book in memorial to her wheelchair-bound dog, Frankie. Frankie’s story and other stories about animals who have changed Barbara’s life were envisioned and brought to life in Barbara’s 10×12 foot writing studio which sits just behind her 1,100 … Read more


The exciting tale of the ClickClackGorilla begins with a daring escape from a cubicle life in the U.S. and ends with a life of traveling with a band, Dumpster diving, and living in a rescued caravan in a wagenplatz in Germany. The Gorilla is Nicolette Stewart, an ex-pat writer, proud gleaner and soon-to-be mother who blogs about her unconventional life while trying to live that life with more freedom and environmental consciousness.

Her home in Germany (which she shares with her partner, “The Beard”, who also has his own trailer) is a caravan which was formerly parked on a farm. The 60-year-old wooden wagon, known as a Bauwagen in German, was on the farm for at least 20 years and the owners of the farm gave it to Nicolette for free if she hauled it out herself.

She proceeded to fix and decorate the wagon over a the course of a year with about 900 Euros and many trips to the Dumpster for furniture, lighting, kitchenware, bedding and even food. Her wagon, affectionately called the trash house, is parked in a wagenplatz, an intentional community in which people live together on a piece of land in a variety of wheeled dwellings.

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Travelling (and Living) on the Outskirts

Even when you’ve downsized your life, you may find you can downsize even more. Duncan and Jessica, of Traveling on the Outskirts, found this out when they decided to get rid of the trappings of modernity: the house, car, big TV and full-time jobs.

They initially bought a fifth wheel trailer and a large truck to tow their new home, which they planned to see the country with and do some work along the way. After a few months, they decided to simplify even further by purchasing a 1999 Starcraft pop-up trailer and a smaller Suburban.

Their blog (and nicely done videos) chronicles the lives of two professionals who had enough of the rat race, and decided to hit the road. They work in campgrounds as workampers, usually getting a free camp spot, amenities and a few dollars in their wallets. These jobs are normally seasonal, allowing Duncan and Jessica to stay mobile and work where the good weather is. What I really appreciate about their blog is that they take the time and effort to show important details in the lives of nomads and workampers, including how to find jobs, save money and live in close quarters with your partner.

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