George’s Mini Vardo Project

George one of our readers spotted Katy’s Don Vardo and emailed me to let me know he was in the progress of building his own little vardo and would enjoy sharing his project with us.

Using a home built trailer using classic and modern building techniques and style. Based on traveler’s and “gypsy” wagons from Britain and France as well as sheep wagons from the western U.S. George is keeping this to the absolute minimum in size and weight. George doesn’t plan to live in it so it can be thought of a base camp.

You can view more pictures and follow his project at his Paleotool’s Weblog. I will also do an updated post when George completes the vardo, so stay tuned.

3 thoughts on “George’s Mini Vardo Project”

  1. I wanted to add a (nearly) finished photo as an update on the vardo project. It has been used from New Mexico to southern California, back through the midwest and up through the Dakotas. She crossed some serious mountain grades back in the southern Rockies and is now in the final shakedown finish-up-loose-ends phase of the build. There has been lot of great feedback and ideas both via the ‘net and from the road.
    The photos are here:

  2. Hi George, great project!
    I’m curious to know about the weight rating of the axle of this trailer, and the estimated dry weight of the finished vardo, and subsequently how much room is left to put yourself and equipment into it?

    I’m trying to figure if I can build this structure for under 500#, making my 2000# GVWR trailer that weighs 500# leaving me with a 1000# payload capacity. If I can do this, it would be a great project for me. Curious to hear your thoughts.





  3. Wow, I love your build. I’ve built 3 teardrops over the years, but havent had one for 4+ years. Ive been living in Romania, and I must say the idea of my own caravan now that im back in the US, better yet, New Mexico fills me with warmth. Going to start tomorrow, and should have it finished in 2-3 weeks, hope to see you in Jemez.


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