Inspiring Tiny Home Shelter Villages in Washington State

Tiny home shelter villages for the homeless are popping all over Washington state. First, they appeared in Seattle. Like many US cities, Seattle is experiencing a staggering homelessness crisis. Low Income Housing Institute stepped in to help. Originally, they partnered with the city and other nonprofits, especially Nickelsville, to create low-cost shelters for individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

Five years later, tiny home shelter villages in Seattle have proven to be an effective solution for both emergency shelter and transitional housing. Importantly, there appear to be three key factors for success:

  1. City sanction encampments on private land and on available city-owned vacant lots.
  2. Readily available case management social workers to help connect village residents with healthcare needs, job search tools, and guidance for transitioning to permanent housing.
  3. With nonprofit guidance to follow basic city rules, self-management helps build confidence, people skills, and investment in the success of the tiny home community.

Impressively, in partnership with the Cities of Seattle, Tacoma, and Olympia, and other organizations, Low Income Housing Institute provides thirteen tiny home shelter villages. Learn more and apply for residence:

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