5 Reasons Why I Will Never Build a Tiny House

While I currently don’t live in a tiny house, a future downsizing is in order and it will require my husband and I to eventually go smaller. So, am I gathering together house plans, materials, old windows, and tiny appliances? Heck no. I have no plans to ever build a tiny house.

Something this darling is not in my building future.

Photo by Wikimedia

I admire anyone who has taken on the monumental task, but the actual act of building a tiny house is not in my future. Granted, there is so much building information available from consultants, construction experts, designers and homeowners, but there are several reasons why it’s not for me.

1. I’ve taken on a few building projects that prove I don’t have the right skills.

Over the last few years I’ve cobbled together a few chicken coops, build a backyard vardo using an existing frame, restored an old barn, and fixed up a 1980s fiberglass trailer. With all of that experience, you would think I’m ready to take on a tiny house. No way. These projects were fun for a while, but I know from the many mistakes I made and the extra time it took that I have no interest in a taking on a tiny house project.

2. Building is a waste of time and materials.

Photo by Mike Mozart

At least for me, building a tiny house would be a waste of time and materials. I can’t say how many times I’ve had to go back to the big orange store to buy more materials that I have destroyed because I didn’t measure correctly. Or I have to drive back to the store to get more of what I didn’t get enough of the first time. This constant battle seems to rage with each project.

3. I’m a clutz.

Photo by TheDigitalWay

Just the other day while painting a bench in the garage, I managed to spill a half-gallon of paint on the garage floor, on my foot, and on my pants. Now, that’s just one small bench. During past projects I have screw-gunned my finger, sprayed myself in the face with a paint sprayer, and have fallen off numerous ladders. While building a tiny house, I will probably go into a coma.

4. I would notice every mistake.

Photo by DawidC

My former building projects are what you call…shabby chic. Barns, chicken coops, and trailers don’t need to be perfectly plumb and waterproof. If I built a tiny house, it would have so many holes, cracks, and crevices that I would forever be scrutinizing my work rather than enjoying my new home.

5. Leave it to the experts.

Photo by Alexis Stephens and Christian Parsons

For the Tiny House Blog and Tiny House Magazine, I have interviewed and chatted with enough tiny house builders and experts to know that I don’t know what the heck I’m doing. I will leave it up to these tiny house geniuses who have already made mistakes and have come up solutions. They know what they are doing and I will pay them to build a tiny house correctly.

Of course, my reasons don’t apply to everyone. There are many people out there without skills who are willing to take on the job of building their own home. I salute you and wish I were more like you. Get a sturdy ladder (with someone to hold it) and hammer on.

By Christina Nellemann for the [Tiny House Blog]

4 thoughts on “5 Reasons Why I Will Never Build a Tiny House”

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  1. That’s a relief! Glad to hear there are others with no interest in building tiny! I would like to live smaller, but I don’t need to build it myself 🙂


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