Is This the Most Comfortable Furniture Item for a Tiny House?

By default, we normally purchase a couch or sofa because it seems to be the most comfortable item that sits in our living room. Is this really true? Are couches really as comfortable as they are marketed out to be?

Are sofas really that comfortable?

Child on a sofa with pillows

First of all, a good sofa or couch is going to be one of the most expensive things you purchase for your living room. Even small sofas for tiny or small homes can be expensive. In fact, even more so because they are a special size for a small space.

Second, while laying down on a couch or sofa to enjoy a movie or good book is pretty comfy, sitting on a sofa usually requires some adjusting, fidgeting, or obtaining a coffee table or ottoman for our feet.

Third: a couch or sofa is bulky and heavy and sometimes requires a small crew to move and install.

It’s time to think outside of the proverbial boxy couch.

What is one piece of furniture that we normally equate with vacations, pool, and beachside lounging, or luxury?

It’s the chaise lounge.

What piece of furniture is synonymous with “vacation”?

Chaise lounges and umbrella by the beach

From the French for “long chair”, that’s just what it is. A chaise is a combo of a sofa and an armchair and allows you to prop your feet and legs up all the time. They are typically relegated to the edge of a room or tucked into the corner of a master bedroom. However, you may notice that when a chaise is attached to a larger, sectional sofa, they tend to get claimed first during movie night.

Now is the time the chaise had its day in the sun.

Chaise lounge in a living room

Here are a few benefits of having a chaise lounge rather than a sofa or couch in your tiny house:

  • They can be easily moved from inside to outside. Some even come with locking wheels.
  • Some models have storage, which is very valuable in a tiny house.
  • They are less expensive than a typical sofa.
  • They come in a variety of fabrics and materials.
  • Some come with cushions that can be changed seasonally.

Turn your tiny house into a full-time vacation home with a chaise lounge. Whether it’s a wicker or rattan one reminiscent of the tropics, or an upholstered, two-armed version with enough storage for your entire, minimal wardrobe.

By Christina Nellemann for the [Tiny House Blog]

1 thought on “Is This the Most Comfortable Furniture Item for a Tiny House?”

  1. I think of the livingroom as the place where I go for solitude ie lying on the sofa with a book or for conversation. After years of living in a livingroom with 2 lazyboy chairs and a sofa I can testify that lounges are not great places to have conversation from. Hence the sofa.


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