Tiny House Book 1 Now on Kindle

Tiny House Book 1, which is in Kindle format is actually the Tiny House Magazine Issues 1 and 2 is now available for purchase. Kindle has not allowed new magazines onto their platform for over a year and I have wanted to offer the Tiny House Magazine in this format almost since the day it was published. To do a work around I decided to call it a book instead of a magazine issue.

The only real difference between the Kindle format and the Magazine format is the Tiny House Book is in book format and lacks any advertising. It is formatted to be easily read on any Kindle devise. The first few issues of the “Book” will have two issues in it instead of one as I wanted it to have a little more content to equal the last year or so issues which average 60 to 70 pages. I will be rolling the rest of the “books” out over the next few weeks as I get the Tiny House Magazine Issues into the Kindle format.

Tiny House Book 1 will be on sale through February 17 for just $2.99 when the price will increase to $4.99. So please get yours now.

Click Here

Tiny House Book 2 will be on sale through February 22 for just $2.99 when the price will increase to $4.99. So get yours now.

Click Here

Tiny House Book 2