Finding Inspiration In A Notebook

As the tiny house world has grown and resources have expanded it seems as if inspiration can be found everywhere. Whether it be right here on the Tiny House Blog or in Tiny House Magazine or via Deek Diedricksen’s Relaxshacks, there seem to be literally hundreds of blogs and images with more popping up daily. From single levels to double lofts to converted box trucks, inspiration is abounding! But how does one keep it all straight and narrow down interesting resources to actual possibilities? Is with Pinterest? Evernote? I submit (and have endorsed for years) the Inspiration Notebook.


Part journal and part scrapbook the notebook (not the Nicholas Sparks novel, mind you) is little more than a 3-ring binder with plastic sheet protectors where Crystal and I kept notes, visual inspiration, paint samples, materials spreadsheets, our printed budget, and anything else we felt would help shape our adventure.

The following video is actually a bit aged but is still a fine resource for creating and using an Inspiration Notebook.

After having watched the above video I hope you’ll consider subscribing to the Tiny r(E)volution via the button below for a weekly video uncovering more topics of tiny houses and life on the road.


By Andrew M. Odom for the [Tiny House Blog]

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