
Drue one of my readers keeps me updated on things he discovers on the internet and recently he discovered this bike powered ambulance from Zambia. Drue says:

Zambia is a heck of a long ways off, but I found a bike company there that has an interesting product…the zambulance.

It is a bike-trailer ambulance, but looks like an interesting biker’s shelter. Certainly smaller and less useful for a tiny house, but not a stretch for a homeless person, bike camper, or emergency shelter in times of a disaster.

Photo Credits: Zambikes


Here is what Zambikes says about their product:

The Solution – A Bicycle Ambulance Trailer a.k.a “Zambulance” by Zambikes

As a result of a Zambulance, communities have access to a free ambulance service. The clients
are now able to receive medical attention in less time. Whereas it used to take between two to
three hours to take a patient to a rural health centre that was 2.5 km away using an ox-cart, it now
takes an average of 30 minutes using a Zambulance to cover the same distance. Whereas patients used to sit on the back rack of a bicycle en route to a rural health centre, now clients can lie flat on the back of a Zambulance that is much safer and much more comfortable.

Additionally, the canopy of the Zambulance now provides privacy, especially important for the
expectant mothers. The canopy also shelters the clients from the heat of the sun and the rain.