Brittany’s Decorated Home

Here are three photos of my tiny house during Christmas. To make my house festive on the outside, I installed a string of LED lights along the roofline. It created an amazing “glow” effect and gave off enough light to make up for the fact that there is no exterior lighting anywhere near where the house sits.

As for inside, I wanted the perfect tiny tree. I bought a beautiful 14 ft. noble fir and lopped off the top 2 ft. With the bottom part of the tree, I lopped off all the branches and made a 10 in. wreath for the front door, and used the rest of the boughs for a greenery display that rested on the tongue of the trailer.

10 thoughts on “Brittany’s Decorated Home”

  1. Thanks everyone! I may be opening up my tiny house again for “tiny test rental” this summer, so please stay tuned – you may soon see a posting!

  2. Thanks for sharing your photos. I think you did a great job with your Christmas decor. I too love that tiny tree! It’s perfect!


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