Would You Live in a Dumpster?

My internet has been down all morning and it just came back up. Here is a video that is making the rounds and several of you have asked me to post it on the Tiny House Blog. Gregory Kloehn likes building unique items and recently decided to create a high end home in a standard dumpster. In this video he gives you a tour of his design and shares his thoughts on why he designed it the way he did. If you would like to view this home and you live in the San Francisco Bay Area of California you can view it at the San Francisco Fringe Festival through September 18. This is a unique take on a livable structure.

16 thoughts on “Would You Live in a Dumpster?”

  1. He asks an interesting question, one few people ask themselves in this country: what is a home? That’s what I’ve been thinking about the last few years as I’ve lived different places. What do I need and what do I want? What don’t I?

    While the dumpster is not for me, I like that so many people are questioning and challenging the American ideas of home, and I love that they are getting their ideas out there.

  2. I love that people are finding really thinking outside, or in this case “inside” the box. I would love to see how far people really go with this tiny house movement. Although I love tiny homes, this one is not for me!

  3. Gas goes outside.

    I’m always suspicious when someone builds something for “someone”. If it’s such a great idea why not live in it yourself?

    Interesting concept, tho.

  4. I love when people think outside the box and use a little ingenuity. Pretty creative to say the least.

    To those that think the trash-man will pick you up, they don’t work for free and only pick up what they’re supposed to, if you’re not on the list, they’re not picking you up.

    • To those that think the trash-man will pick you up, they don’t work for free and only pick up what they’re supposed to, if you’re not on the list, they’re not picking you up.

      You’ve made it clear that not everyone understands sarcasm. Next time I make a sarcastic comment, I’ll make sure to explain afterwards for you.


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