Sun Kisses, Moon Hugs, and a Purple Bus with Susan Bernardo and Courtenay Fletcher

“Once there was a farmhouse in a field of hay..” is the opening line to an adorable new children’s book called “The Big Adventures of Tiny House” being released in April. Roll along with us this week as Susan and Courtenay, the books’ author and illustrator, share how building a book is a lot like building a tiny house, and why indie publishing appeals to these very creative DIY-ers. You’ll hear what inspired their story of an old farmhouse that gets salvaged and repurposed into “Tiny”; a little house with a big heart and WHEELS, who sets off on a cross-country journey to figure out the true meaning of home. We loved hearing about their creative process, and how their own family histories influenced the book; and we know you will too! So, sit back, settle into your favorite chair, grab a nice cup of tea or hot chocolate – it’s story time!

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