Tiny House in a Landscape

This week’s Tiny House in a Landscape is a series of photographs taken by Jennifer Borek who publishes her own blog at www.kannallc.com. Jennifer took a tour of the Kansas prairie today where she is temporarily living (long-term contract).

The photos are of the Kaw House a reconstructed model built in 1961. The government built these on the Kaw Reservation. However, the Kaws preferred living in their own tipis and bark-and-mat lodges and they ended up being used as shelters for their animals.

Thank you Jennifer for sharing your photos and this interesting bit of history.

cottage 2

cottage 3


12 thoughts on “Tiny House in a Landscape”

  1. Hi, Walt – I peeked inside and there is a gorgeous large fireplace. But, the buildings were closed for the month of November. I could only peek in the window and my camera wasn’t good enough to get a photo. I have more to explore in Council Grove. If I can get inside pictures, I’ll be sure to share.

    • Looks like a horse watering trough. There may once have been a hand pump in the upper section that you could use to fill it. The spout likely came out of the opening just above the trough.

  2. The metal stand is definitely the base of a pump. it was placed over a well or cistern (catchment storage). the pump mechanism extended above the base 2-3′ and it had a long handle. the spout would have been in the slot above the catch basin.
    My grandparents had a very similar model to this on their cistern, and it was operable as late as 1959.


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