Tiny House in a Landscape

This week’s Tiny House in a landscape is of a remote mining cabin in central Colorado. I discovered it on one of my favorite websites Cabin Porn. I’ve had the privilege of exploring a fair amount of Colorado in my younger days and it is one of my favorite states in the Southwest. My great grandfather was a miner in the Cripple Creek area and my grandfather used to tell me the story of how he kept his dynamite safe and dry. He stored it under the bed in the cabin. Fortunately, they never had any accidents or I would not be here today.

This picture was photographed by Bob Winsett. I love the way the cabin fits into the scenery and blends into the mountain side.

miner's cabin in Colorado

17 thoughts on “Tiny House in a Landscape”

    • Yes, because Kent has unlimited resources to travel the world taking pictures of tiny homes in landscapes (please get interior shots too while your there Kent!). Sheesh!

    • I know. It’s so crappy of him to give credit to another site as well as listing it as one of his favorites. The nerve!

  1. yeah, because if you link from places like cabin porn, people who didn’t know that site existed would then not only get to enjoy YOUR site, but that one as well. god, can’t you think of anyone but yourself?!

  2. This is just great Kent… Now my co-workers can add Cabins to the list of pornography I peruse during lunchtime… Mini Coopers were taking up a good bit of time, but now I really do need a longer lunch hour to get all of this in and still have the time to eat lunch 🙂

  3. Thanks for this Link of nice Dwelling pix and ideal settings. I’ve already built, but am now tricking out a lil used Modular Building to serve us multiple functions. Nice pix help get/keep the juices flowing.

    I could not care less where inspiring Links come from, since there’s too many for one Mortal to ever know about. There’s lots of inspiring info on this Site, and snarky Trolls don’t subtract from the positive here.

  4. Very cool. I can just imagine some crusty, old, Jed Clampett-like living there. I wish there were more pictures of this place to give a better idea of what it’s really like.

  5. Wonder what that place looks like in winter. A big mound of snow with a smoking chimney poking out and a well-worn path to the wood shed? So much gorgeous inspiration at cabin porn, thanks for letting us know about it.

  6. It is beautifully set, shame about all those Frack wells that surround the area now. And the water that has now become undrinkable.

    At least you have a picture to show everyone the way it use to be…

    And thanx for the link ,, I’ll be sure to take a gander shortly.


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