Yale Community Treehouse

The Treehouse is a proposed arboreal structure for recreation and wildlife viewing to be constructed at the Yale Myers Forest in the spring of 2013. This project is the product of over a year and a half of interdisciplinary collaboration with students, faculty, and staff at the Schools of Architecture, Art, and Forestry. The Treehouse is a project for the Yale community. It has been designed to be a permanent structure, and the hope is that it will become a lasting asset for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests of Yale University.

Please visit the Kickstarter Page for more information on this project: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/922265371/the-treehouse-at-yale

tree to build it

6 thoughts on “Yale Community Treehouse”

  1. YALE can’t foot the bill for this? They need a kickstarter campaign? LOVE tree houses though! i’ve built over a dozen of ’em and I’m all for it….
    Good luck!

  2. Yep, that’s what I’d want my kid wasting his or her time on when I paid the extortionist “tuition” at yale– a treehouse. Classic academic dumb.
    There are thousands of places where one could go to build a treehouse; I did not think yale would be one.

  3. A year and a half collaboration for a tree house ?

    Is this some type of Ivy League secret humor ?

    …a lasting asset for students, blah, blah , blah.

    This would be very funny if it wouldn’t true.

  4. Whoo, I’m really, really, having a hard time believing this is legit. Seems more like a parody to me…maybe that’s where the ‘art’ comes in?


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