Timber Frame Cabin

In my search for more information on building tiny houses I stumbled across Mark van Roojen, a professor of philosophy at the University of Nebraska and his project and construction of a small 10 x 14 timber frame cabin in the back woods of Wyoming. His information will give you first hand experience on what is involved in this type of construction. Following are a couple of pictures of his cabin and a link to his site.



Mark van Roojen


Timber frame construction


Further progress.

The Timber-Framed Cabin Project

Mark says: I’ve started on a timberframed cabin project and I have been chronicling it here on my website. There are now too many images to put all on one page. So I have now divided it into five pages covering the following time frames. You can reach them by clicking on the link above or click Here.

Update October 2008 Jenny on Porch
Update October 2008 Jenny on Porch

If you know of other tiny house projects or have one of your own and would like to share it please post it in the comment section. Thank you!

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17 thoughts on “Timber Frame Cabin”

  1. Thanks for linking to my site. It looks like you’ve got some nice links here to other small house resources, as well as nice stuffin the postings themselves. I’ve only had time for a quick look, but I liked the reprinted article on the small log cabin and will spend some more time later looking at your other postings.

  2. Thanks for updating your page on my project! Obviously since I thought it worth putting on the web I like it that people get to see the work. One funny thing about a cabin is that the early photos are the ones that are most impressive because they show something arising from nothing. But then later, more detail oriented photos are just not as telegenic even if the work to make the details is just as challenging. That’s my backhanded way of apologizing for the less striking photos as the project moves along.

    And thanks also for collecting the other projects from which we can all steal ideas.

  3. Very nice. Wish I had the knowledge/ability/patience to construct a timberframe. Every one I have seen here is very nicely done.

    Mark, keep up the website. Very interesting read.

  4. I love your web site: you did an excellent job of detailing the building process. Many useful pictures and even more useful information. It turned out great too!


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