How to Achieve Spaciousness in Your Tiny House

Tiny houses are a great option for those who don’t want to be surrounded by debt. However, the smaller homes and rooms inside can push your comfort levels to new limits. To lessen the claustrophobic feelings and keep the space open, you want to avoid cramming too much stuff in your home. Instead of littering your rooms with devices, appliances and furniture, map out a plan around the items that you need most.
Skip the Partitions
Trying to fit your entire life into a tiny home may sound difficult, especially if you have a glam closet. However, when planned correctly, you can have a unique arrangement that is built on simplicity and happiness.
When you’re ready to start preparing your tiny house, keeping the concept of open space at the forefront of your mind can make a difference in how your dwelling is perceived. That’s why it’s important to avoid as many partitions as possible. Homeowners typically like their bedroom and kitchen space partitioned however if you want to get away from this concept, you can designate your rooms without the need of walls. Instead of a separate bedroom, how about a hideaway or daybed?
If you’re thinking about building a tiny house, you’ll want to keep your plumbing system simple. A licensed plumber can offer tips on easy resolutions that won’t take up a lot of space. While a pipe that goes both in and out of the house and water containers underneath the home may make you uneasy, they can fit nicely into the planning of a tiny house.
Storage and Decluttering

While a tiny house may be ideal for your budget, you may have significantly less room to store non-essential items. If you use your toaster oven, mixer and other kitchen gadgets on an as-needed basis, find a cabinet or storage container to house them. This frees up your counters and allows your home to look neat and orderly. You can also apply this theory to your toiletries, books and spices. Storing the items on a shelf on the wall or in a cabinet can give your living space some much needed openness.

Free-standing tables, couches and chairs can take up a lot of room in your tiny home. To allow yourself more freedom to roam, built-in pieces can provide additional storage without taking up precious space. If you’d like an eat-in kitchen where the family can congregate, how about a banquette. Instead of a table and chairs, you’ll be able to family time with a built-in bench and table. From shelves and cabinets to seating and desks, you’ll find a number of space saving possibilities.
Go Natural
Light colors may create feelings of openness. Whether you’re painting your walls, laying down flooring, or decorating, you want to go beige, white or neutral. You can always add a splash of color when adding accent pieces such as pillows, throws, vases, pictures and rugs.
Avoid Bulky Window Treatments
Blinds and drapes are essential for bedrooms and other rooms where you want privacy. However, anything too bulky can take away from your space and dwarf your room. By tying back the drapes with some decorative rope or shortening the length of your window treatment, you’ll be able to let in some much needed natural lighting.
To give your home the added space, mirrors placed strategically can double the size of your home visually. While placing a mirror directly in front of the door can be bad if you’re trying to achieve fen shui, mirroring an entire wall can make your home appear larger than it actually is.
Author Bio:
If there is something John Miller loves doing this is writing about home improvement and design. He contributes to a number of websites and online publications where you can see his work.

12 thoughts on “How to Achieve Spaciousness in Your Tiny House”

  1. One thing I’ve found is making furniture that fits the space and function I need. I do the design work, but have a friend who is expert at carpentry put the pieces together. Then I take care of the painting. I find open shelves the easiest for my small home. I can see where things are, access them easily, and I find that the functional items are attractive in their own right – no need to decorate with dodads.

    • I love all of the ideas…. Having more windows, especially the french door suggestion sounds bright and airy.

      Oh my gosh, I now cringe when I see a built in “couch”. After being presented with one to lounge on while visiting a friend, I found that they are the most uncomfortable things to sit on, much less lounge. I enjoyed the visit , although I had to come clean about the box topped with a cushion with a straight backed torture rack for back support. After 15 minutes, my bum was numb and my back ached to the point of tears.

      I keep saying that I can’t wait until one of our little house lovers start designing real tiny house/apartment/space furniture plans. It would definitely be something I would buy.

      I didn’t work my entire life, receiving the pains associated with aging, to not be able to use the furniture, sit and read a novel. If I can’t sit on it why have it?

      I can’t stop thinking that there has to be a furniture designer, someone in our group could design affordable furniture that is space saving yet functional and has some ergonomic qualities in it’s design.

      • It is possible to make comfy built in couches that are lovely to lounge about on. Long enough for a nap, nice thick cushioning underneath, a slanted or wedge shaped back with lots of pillows, good adjustable reading lamp, a handy flat spot for beverage of choice and a view window you can look out of without contortions are my must haves. Easy access to consumer electronics is nice too.

  2. I find if I keep big bulky things down low and have uninterrupted lines of sight from about waist height to just above head height I can pack a few more things up higher as long as they’re tidy. The more windows there are the better and having either French doors or at least one window that goes almost to the floor really helps. Built ins are OK for some stuff but it’s nice to have some multi-purpose free standing furniture that can be easily moved from one area to another. Foldaway pieces can be handy but not so much for things you use regularly or if they’re a nuisance to use. If you’re the kind of person that spends a lot of time at the kitchen table it’s worth making room for a permanent one.

  3. I love using multi- purpose furnishings, and open shelving when possible, but this can only be achieved when you have few items. Light helps, so windows are a must. But also using the same flooring throughout keeps a small space seamless throughout.

  4. Try arched windows, a peaked ceiling and skylights. Face furniture towards tall windows.

    For serenity, store everything away. Store a wardrobe/kitchenware in pull-out baskets beneath furniture. Store floor cushions, a hammock, sleeping bag or floor mat.

    With an under-counter kitchen, span windows across the entire counter top. Store one set of stackable dishes/pans, a utensil basket and dry goods beneath the sink. Place the plumbing against a wall and add sliding trays. Try a corner carousel cabinet.

    To dine, study or prep food, try a folding shelf beneath a deep window sill.

    In the bathroom, store towels/cosmetic bags on open narrow shelving over the back of a toilet. Try a small triangular corner sink without a vanity.


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