
I like the unusual which you may have noticed by some of the tiny houses represented in the tiny house blog.

I also would like to spread our wings and include tiny houses from around the world. The DomeSpace originates in France but also has an office in the U.S.

This is there smallest dome and they also make much larger sizes.


Domespace produce spruce, pine and oak wooden domes for tiny house living (above is their Transit 4,35 model) with the added bonus that it is largely hurricane resistant. According to the brochure, the whole thing is rotatable (using a remote control from inside, the movement is not noticeable), light, warm, has good humidity, and is spacious with cork insulation. Options include solar panels.

If your French is a bit rusty try the Solaleya site, the US distributor but the best photos are at the French site.


The above article was written by Alex of the ShedWorking site in the UK.

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5 thoughts on “DomeSpace”

  1. You can switch it to DomeSpace language to English by clicking on the Union Jack at the bottom right. There is also a Spanish language option there, too.


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